Old Magazine Articles
Article Summary

The Early Life

• Coronet Magazine, 1952 •

Posted on the right is an article about Marilyn Monroe (né Norma Jeane Mortenson: 1926 – 1962), her painful beginnings, the cheesecake pictures, the bit-parts and her enormous popularity as a full-fledged movie star are all woven into a narrative that never lets the reader forget that her brand of sex appeal had not been seen in many years:

"Currently, she is one of the best equipped females in the business. Five feet five, 118 pounds, with a 37-inch bust burgeoning over a 23 waist and 34-inch hips, she has short feathered corn-silk hair, an unusually large head (hat size 23) which gives the camera much to work with, full moist lips, big blue eyes, a honeyed voice and an out-of-breath way of speaking....As a rule, women don't like her."

Additional articles concerning the life and career of Marilyn Monroe can be read here.


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