Old Magazine Articles

Article Summary

Sexual Madness

• Physical Culture Magazine, 1937 •

Posted on the right is a 1937 psycho-graphic study by psychologist Lawrence Gould, who believed that Germany's Fuhrer was consumed by a narcissistic and homicidal spirit that was created by a dormant sex drive.

"The secret of his drive, as it seems to me, is the distortion and exaggeration of his normal feelings which is due at bottom to the fact that he is psychologically, if not physically sexless. I do not mean to say that he was born without sexual desire, but something has kept that desire from finding satisfaction and kept him from being conscious of it. As a result, all the psychic energy which in a normal person is directed toward love and marriage has, with him, been forced into unnatural and dangerous channels... [he] will try to make it up to himself for all his his inner hungers by self-exaltation. But in every such man there is also an even more dangerous quality - cruelty or even sadism."

Read what Carl Jung had to say about Hitler, click here

Click here to read more about Hitler and women.

Exiled Kaiser Wilhelm also thought Hitler's problem with women was a cause for concern; click here to read about that.

Read about Hitler's expert on sex and racial purity...

Click here to read about the dating history of Adolf Hitler.


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