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He Did Not Fail
That Rendezvous

• The Art World, 1917 •

The attached poem was written in 1917 by Grace D. Vanamee (1867 – 1946) in response to Alan Seeger's very popular poem I Have a Rendezvous with Death:

He kept his rendezvous with Death
At fateful Belloy-en-Santerre,
Though Spring had passed all unaware
And Summer scents were in the air.
He kept his rendezvous with Death
. . . . . . . . . .
And with his greatest work undone
He kept his rendezvous with Death.
Brave Hero-Poet, we rejoice
That life and art with you were one,
That you to your own songs were true:
You did not fail that rendezvous.

Click here to read more articles about W.W. I poetry.

W.W. II: Where were the war poets?

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