Old Magazine Articles
Article Summary

Adolf Hitler: Chick Magnet

• Click Magazine, 1939 •

The attached article about Adolf Hitler and women appeared on the newsstands two months prior the start of the Second World War, when the world learned how evil a man the lunatic truly was. The journalist wanted to confirm that there was no truth to the 1939 rumor that Hitler was dead and quickly began musing about other rumors:

"More feasible is the theory that the sexless madman of Naziland is still alive and has merely discovered that he gets a vicarious thrill out of having women around him and likes to watch acrobatic dance routines."

-from Amazon:

Click here to read about Hitler's sexual weirdness.

Click here to read about the dating history of Adolf Hitler.

Click here to read what the Kaiser thought of Adolf Hitler.

Click here to read about Ludendorff's association with Hitler.

Click here to read about the fall of Paris...


The Nazis Surfer
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