Old Magazine Articles
Sisters of Adolf Hitler

Article Summary

The Reich Needed
More Babies

• Coronet Magazine, 1942 •

The more I read about the Nazis, the more I sense that the term "truth is stranger than fiction" must have been conceived in order to describe them, and this article is a perfect case in point.

The article on the right was published in 1942 and it explained the Third Reich's need for a larger population if the Germans were to fulfill "their destiny" and spread throughout all Europe. However, by the early Forties German women were suspect of raising children for Hitler's war machine, despite the fact that the Nazis were going to great lengths to see to it that pregnancy was perceived as highly honorable. The regime sponsored programs titled "Strength Through Joy" and "Healthy Eroticism" (Gesunde Erotika) in order to encourage more out-of-wedlock births among minors:

"The fruits of the Third Reich Population Policy are shocking indeed. Fifteen and 16-year-old girls are having babies with the blessings of their Hitler Youth leaders. Unwed mothers with illegitimate children have the right to evict married but childless couples from apartment houses...laws are passed entitling unmarried mothers to call themselves 'Mrs.' instead of 'Miss', and providing state subsides for illegitimate children and crushing taxes for childless adults."

You can't make this stuff up!

A similar article can be read here.

A similar article can be read here... and here...

       • Watch a Film Clip about the Lebensborn Program •

The Nazis Surfer
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