Old Magazine Articles
Article Summary

When Prohibition Ended

• The Literary Digest, 1933 •

The article attached herein is entirely composed of numerous newspaper observations that appeared in print throughout April of 1933; observations pertaining wholly to the goings on that followed in the joyous demise of Prohibition:

"No riotous celebrations, no moaning at the bar, no drunks prone in gutters."

"'In short', adds The Cincinnati Times-Star, 'beer has been accepted as one of the amenities of life that should never have been taken away.'"

"As the novelty of beer wore off, observers began checking the principal results of the beer flood, and they have dug up some interesting facts:

• Drunkenness marked the first full week in which the sale of 3.2 beer was legal.
• Four million dollars was received by the U.S. Government in barrel taxes and license fees.
• New York City brewers put 2,500 men back to work; Chicago, 2,000; Milwaukee, 2,500; Pittsburgh, 2,500.
• Elsewhere throughout the land brewers reported that more than 10,000 men had been taken from the ranks of the unemployed to supply the demand of the newly-legalized beverage.

Click here to read more about the repeal of Probition.


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