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Audrey Hepburn

• People Today Magazine, 1952 •

American audiences came to know Audrey Hepburn (1929 – 1993) when she was teamed up with Gregory Peck for the 1953 William Wyler production "Roman Holiday" (Paramount) - but the king makers of Hollywood sat up and took notice of her a year earlier, when she appeared in the European comedy "Monte Carlo Baby" (briefly reviewed herein). This movie was pretty quickly forgotten - and today "Monte Carlo Baby" cannot be found on DVD or cassette, and the film's producer, Ray Ventura (1908 - 1979), is primarily remembered for his talents as a jazz pianist.

A year after this small notice appeared in PEOPLE TODAY, Audrey Hepburn would have a boatload of awards and a comfortable place at the Hollywood trough.

Click here to read about Marilyn Monroe and watch a terrific documentary about her life.

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