Anita Colby (1914 - 1992) appeared on 1,500 magazine covers - and not always as a fashion model. She recognized that her loveliness afforded her only a temporary position in the fashion world and she worked hard to build a resume in other areas. This article is a case in point and it reports on her job at the Selznick Studios in Hollywood - a position that was created just for her (and one that has never been duplicated there or at any other studio since) - and vaguely titled "Feminine Director" (sounds like a hygiene product). She was essentially a fashion stylist; riding herd on every Selznick hair dresser, costume designer, make-up artist and photographer while schmoozing the stars in the process. Stepping on all those toes must have been exhausting; Colby held this position for only three years before signing on as a public relations executive at Paramount.
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