Old Magazine Articles
Article Summary

The 93rd Division
in France

• The Stars & Stripes, 1919 •

A 1919 feature article from THE STARS & STRIPES concentrating on the war-time activities of the four African-American infantry regiments that composed the U.S. Ninety-Third Division (the 369th, 370th, 371st and the 372nd).

Two of these regiments were awarded the highly prized Croix de Guerre by the Republic of France (which you can see is pinned to the chest of the reenactor photographed on the right). Illustrating this history is a black and white illustration of the Division's insignia. Those Americans who served the longest in the W.W. I trenches were the African-Americans regiments under French command: the 92nd and the 93rd Divisions.

Click here to read more magazine articles about the African-American efforts during the First World War.


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